The Energy Communications Management eXchange
AMI Registries
End Device Classes
Register or get information about an End Device Class. An End Device class registration requires a submission of a TDL/XML Form file that references one of the ANSI C12.19, IEEE Std 1377 or MC12.19 standards.
Device Classes are world-wide unique object identifiers (OIDs).
Network Application Titles
Register or locate C12.22/IEEE 1703 Nodes' Application Titles (C12.22/IEEE 1703 Network Application Names) that will be used to access C12.22/IEEE 1703 Nodes on the AMI network. ApTitles must be registered and associated with a C12.22/IEEE 1703 Master Relay and known to the ECMX Root Master Relay. After registering an ApTitle you will need to register a C12.22/IEEE 1703 Master Relay that is the Domain Master for the service area of your registered ApTitles' domain.
ApTitles are world-wide unique object identifiers (OIDs).
Electronic Serial Numbers
Register a C12.22/IEEE 1703 Node's Electronic Serial Number (ESN). The ESN validation is used by C12.22/IEEE 1703 Master Relays and C12.22/IEEE 1703 Authentication Hosts (trust agents) when a C12.22/IEEE 1703 Node joins the network and thus granting it access to the C12.22/IEEE 1703 utility Network.
ESNs are world-wide unique object identifiers (OIDs).
Security Mechanism Names
The ANSI C12.22, IEEE Std 1703 and MC12.22 communication standards make use of the EAX' mode and AES-128 for the encryption and authentication of the application pay-loads. However, the unique and evolving requirements that some parts of the Smart Grid place on communication protocols and computational complexity can drive a genuine need for additional cryptographic techniques that are unpublished by the above standards. You should use this service to register or discover additional security mechanisms that may be implemented by your C12.22/IEEE 1703 Network nodes.
You will be asked to provide full disclosure and documentation of the security mechanism algorithms as part of the registration process.
Security Mechanism Names are world-wide unique object identifiers (OIDs).
AMI Networks & Connectivity
The C12.22/IEEE 1703 Network is an aggregation of C12.22/IEEE 1703 Network Segments that are managed by utility service providers. Each service provided is managing and/or servicing one or more utility AMI Network domain. The C12.22/IEEE 1703 service domains comprise of C12.22/IEEE 1703 Network Segments and C12.22/IEEE 1703 Nodes that are controlled by distributed trust centers, network relays and gateways. This selection area enables you to manage or join the global Smart Grid AMI network by linking your C12.22/IEEE 1703 nodes to ECMX Root Master Relay and become accessible to the Utilities� C12.22/IEEE 1703 Field Area Networks (FANs) and Home/Premise Area Networks (HAN/PAN).
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